✂️Active income

Active income (income for contribution to garment production) is earned by $MIC holders in garment production pools.

Garment production pool

It is refers to the total number of meters of fabric required to start a new production cycle and sew a batch of clothing.

Garment production pools will be opened for NFTs based on the following principles:

  • NFTs placed in the same pool must have the same 3 attributes: clothing type (e.g., shorts), color (e.g., grey), and rarity (e.g., Rare). If any attribute differs, it will be a separate production pool.

  • If the clothing represented in the NFT is already being produced by factories, the pool will become available at the beginning of the next production cycle.

  • If the clothing represented in the NFT has not been previously produced by factories or is a new design from a user, the pool will be opened by the NFT holder.

Launching a New Sewing Pool
  • Concept:

This new pool offers a unique opportunity to participate in the production of exclusive, never-before-seen NFT garments.

  • Launch Process:

Pilot Production: Each pool initiates with a test batch of garments. The fabric requirement for this batch is determined individually based on the pool's specific design.

  • Funding:

The initial investment for the pilot production matches the market value of the required fabric.

  • Possible Scenarios:

Market Success: The pool becomes permanent. Upon completion of a production cycle, users can invest in subsequent batches using $MIC tokens.

Market Failure: The pool is closed. Investors receive a full refund of their initial investment in $MIC equivalent.

Example of a sewing pool's work

Currently, we are producing "No Bra" NFT tops at our manufacturing facilities.

New Batch Release Strategy:

If the demand for this top exceeds supply (determined by the financial results of the clothing batch sale), we launch a new $MIC token collection. The collected tokens are converted at the market rate into meters of fabric needed to produce additional batches of the top.

New Design Release Strategy:

For new designs, not previously manufactured, a test sewing pool is launched, calculated for a certain number of meters of fabric. Based on the results of the test pool, a decision is made about the further production strategy, based on the demand for this type of product.

Production cycles

The production process will be structured in cycles, starting from the moment a new sewing pool is opened or a new fundraising round begins in a previously formed pool, and ending with the sale of the produced goods on the market.

In the absence of demand for the product for seven days (no purchase or sale transactions), a review of the feasibility of further production is carried out. In the absence of demand, production is stopped, and the goods in stock are written off for recycling.

Production cycles will be individual for each NFT sewing pool.

To ensure adequate financing of the clothing sewing process, the amount of $MIC will be indexed according to the market value of the fabric used. Indexing is carried out at a ratio of 1:1, that is, the amount of $MIC will be directly proportional to the dollar value of the required fabric.

Example of income generation from sewing

Let's take Street Wear Black as an example: there are currently 12 such NFTs, 8 of them are active, the profit margin for this NFT = 15%.

Active income from investing 15 meters of fabric with a maximum possible 100 meters per batch will be: 15/100 x 15 = 2.25% active percentage. As a result, in one production cycle, you will earn 2.25% of the net profit thanks to your contribution to the sewing pool.

Profitability is calculated as the selling price minus the production cost, in our case 35-18=17$ per unit of production. A total of 100 meters of product was sold. With a fabric consumption of 1 meter = 1 unit of production, a total of 100 units of product were sold.

The total profitability of this model is 10017=1700$, and the active income = 1700$ x 2.25% = 38.25$ (excluding passive income).

During the Closed Beta testing of the application, the following will be determined:

The proportion of $MIC tokens available for investment by a single user in the tailoring of a specific type of clothing when opening a pool and when contributing to an already open pool, the minimum and maximum $MIC tokens allowed for investment in a single pool and other data

The project plans to maintain a table with daily updates of key financial indicators, including:

Cost of goods sold; Wholesale and retail selling prices of goods; Marginality of positions; Other necessary financial results of the project.

Mechanics can be refined in order to improve the economics of the project. Follow the updates in the Gitbook and news channel

Last updated